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JobTrainer: Skill Up For a New Career with Low-Cost Training

December 3, 2020 | Fact Sheet, Recent News, Training

What Is JobTrainer?
JobTrainer is a joint Commonwealth and Victorian Government initiative which seeks to increase access to low-cost training to young people and job seekers, to help develop new skills.  JobTrainer complements the existing subsidised training available such as Free TAFE.

How Does JobTrainer Work And How Much Are Courses?
JobTrainer courses are available to eligible students in courses across a wide range of industries identified as having a genuine skills need and employment growth, such as health, construction, community services, financial services, logistics and beauty services.

Students eligible for JobTrainer will be able to access Free TAFE courses, even if they hold a higher qualification.

For all other priority courses under JobTrainer, eligible students will pay only 20% of the listed tuition fee. Students can access up to one full qualification or skill set under the JobTrainer fund. Material and student services fees still apply.

Which Courses Are Included In JobTrainer?
JobTrainer courses have been chosen to meet the priority needs of the Victorian economy.

In 2020, JobTrainer is only available to those undertaking a full qualification. It does not apply to short courses. However, a list of skill sets is being developed and will be available under the JobTrainer initiative next year.

All Free TAFE courses are included in the JobTrainer course list. However, there are additional courses funded by JobTrainer that are not part of the Free TAFE initiative.

Full list of JobTrainer courses:

Who Is Eligible For JobTrainer?
A person can participate under JobTrainer if they are:

  • 17 to 24 years old when the course starts; or
  •  A job seeker of any age.

Proof of age or evidence of job seeker status will be required. Students must not have commenced a full qualification under JobTrainer before.

When Does JobTrainer Start and Finish?
Students can enrol in JobTrainer from 25 November 2020. JobTrainer is expected to continue until December 2021.

What Are The Eligibility Exemptions Under JobTrainer?
The normal Skills First eligibility criteria apply to JobTrainer but with two exceptions.

  • No upskilling requirement
  • No ‘two at level in a lifetime’ limit

Students can only enrol in one course under JobTrainer. However, students who have previously used their Free TAFE entitlement can enrol in a second Free TAFE course under JobTrainer.

Students who complete a Free TAFE course under JobTrainer who have not previously used their Free TAFE entitlement, will remain entitled to use it for one more Free TAFE course in the future.

This means it is important to consider the timing of your course and whether you should use JobTrainer while it is available (expected to finish December 2021) or Free TAFE (expected to finish December 2022).

Are JobTrainer Spots Limited?
Yes. VU Polytechnic has been allocated a set number of JobTrainer funded spots per course. Once these fill, we will not be able to offer the JobTrainer concession to students enrolling in these courses.

Are Apprentices Eligible For JobTrainer?
No. Apprentices and school-based apprentices are not eligible for JobTrainer.

Are Trainees Eligible For JobTrainer?
Trainees completing a non-school-based JobTrainer traineeship are eligible – if they fulfil the age and/or jobseeker criteria.

Can Asylum Seekers Do JobTrainer?
Yes. An asylum seeker who is participating in the Asylum Seeker VET Program is exempt from the citizenship and residency requirements and can participate in JobTrainer.

How Can I Apply For A JobTrainer Course?
Apply direct on our web course page, as per the standard application process.