Learn Local courses attract job seeker points, so if you are a Victorian Learn Local provider or a Workforce Australia provider, this information is for you.
Workforce Australia providers:
For more information please visit Education and Training (workforceaustralia.gov.au) and how to earn points (workforceaustralia.gov.au)
Learn Local providers:
Please go to www.learnlocal.org.au for further information and links to the Learn Local courses |
The Commonwealth Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) recognises Learn Local courses as counting towards Workforce Australia mutual obligation requirements.
Following the establishment of Workforce Australia in early July 2022, DEWR has re-affirmed its advice that:
What is a Learn Local course? Learn Local courses (also known as pre-accredited training) are short courses that are offered at low or no cost to eligible adult Victorians in local settings.Learn Local courses are short and flexible and can be tailored specifically to meet learner and industry needs.
Where are Learn Local courses delivered?
There are around 240 not-for-profit community organisations across Victoria that offer Learn Local courses. These organisations are known as Learn Local providers. They are registered and funded by the Victorian Government, via the Adult, Community and Further Education Board, to deliver Learn Local courses.
How do I access 2023 Learn Local Course Guides?
The 2023 Learn Local Course Guides are available on the Learn Local website. They have been divided into the following 13 areas:
How can a Learn Local course help me get outcomes for job seekers?
Learn Local courses:
- are quality courses focused on providing pathways to employment and/or further education for participants
- can be linked to local industry skills needs, assisting job seekers gain employment in high growth sectors
- are flexible and can be designed to suit employer needs and Workforce Australia requirements
- are free or very low cost
- can be completed before, along-side or at the end of an accredited course at e.g. a TAFE.
Partnership delivers job outcomes for Workforce Australia job seekers
Across Victoria, the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) and Learn Local
providers collaborate with Workforce Australia providers and Local Jobs Program regions to
plan and develop place-based training and employment initiatives.
Victorian-based Australian telco, Aussie Broadband, and Gippsland Employment Skills Training (GEST) joined forces to design a course to help people move into customer service roles at one of the many call centers located in the Latrobe Valley.
One of the participants, Jeremy was successful in gaining full-time employment with Aussie
Broadband at their call centre in Morwell.
Jeremy’s Learn Local course provided skills in:
- use of digital technology for basic workplace tasks, including keyboard operation, touch typing skills and computer skills
- telephone etiquette, customer service skills, conflict resolution and other employability skills
- an introduction to Working in the Call Centre Industry – including a tour of the Aussie Broadband call centre and work experience at Aussie Broadband
- language and literacy skills related to working in a customer service role
- personal presentation, including appropriate work attire, grooming and personal hygiene.
Since commencing full-time employment with Aussie Broadband, Jeremy has proven his commitment to his employer and has been promoted to a compliance role which has helped him to further build his skills and work satisfaction. You can find out more about this successful partnership in the video link here (https://youtu.be/WMn-JuFJVx4).