The strength of the VU Polytechnic Skills & Jobs Centre lies in its strong partnerships with community members and local industry, linking training and skills development to current employment trends and local economy growth.
The clients of the VU Polytechnic Skills & Jobs Centre face many barriers when it comes to securing and maintaining employment. For those who are considering a career change there are both challenges and opportunities with regards to retraining/upskilling in order to tackle a new occupation. These ‘Career-Changers’ are often mature-aged, experienced workers and are therefore valuable additions to a diverse workforce, however, this group is also often uncertain about their options and concerned about the impact such a change will have on their livelihood.
The VU Polytechnic Skills & Jobs Centre’s Career Advisors regularly provide additional support and guidance to those considering their future career options. Negative perceptions, both real and imagined, can prevent those considering a career change from progressing further with the idea, even when they possess an abundance of experience, qualifications and transferable skills, It has therefore been imperative for our Career Advisors to conduct comprehensive career assessments and resume reviews for each of these clients prior to training referral as many are unaware of the ways in which their current work responsibilities can inform their future career. Career changers also frequently lack confidence in their ability to succeed in study and/or subsequent job interviews- therefore, providing tailored individual services, suitable training referrals and intensive interview preparation has been an essential role of the VU Polytechnic Skills and Jobs Centre in order to secure successful outcomes.